Mastering Motivation

mindset motivation May 18, 2020


“Ugh I just can’t get motivated.”

I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve heard a student say that. It happens all the time, and there’s a really simple explanation for why it keeps happening.


You’ve been lied to.



Think back to a great movie you’ve watched where the main character finally tackles a challenge they’ve been faced with. What happens? Usually, the character has been struggling for a while, when all of a sudden, there is a split-second where everything changes and suddenly they become inspired. They’re struck with a great idea, become super energized, and are ready to take on the world. That jolt of motivation somehow carries them through an all-nighter, hours of basketball practice, the longest car-chase ever, or while climbing an entire mountain. 


Has that ever happened to you? 

Probably not.


That’s because motivation doesn’t work like that. Sure, you can watch an inspirational video or listen to your favorite song and experience a quick burst of instant motivation, but soon, that motivation fades. 

The reason we’re constantly focused on our lack of motivation is because we’re looking at it the wrong way. We’re looking for one tiny burst of energy or inspiration to turn us into a completely different person. 


That’s just not sustainable. And it’s not how motivation works. 


Motivation is cyclical. It comes in waves. Sometimes you’re motivated, sometimes you’re not. Motivation is not 24/7. So we need to stop expecting it to be. 

The important thing to recognize is that motivation isn’t a prerequisite to progress. Motivation isn’t a prerequisite to success. We do not need to wait to be “motivated” before we accomplish a task or make progress towards our goals. 


Do you think LeBron James waits to feel “motivated” before heading to practice? 

I doubt it. 


If we look at the greats - all the celebrities, athletes, businesspeople who we look up to - we can’t honestly believe that these people only get to work when they’re motivated. There’s no way. It doesn’t work like that.

They aren’t the type of people who wait around to get “motivated” before they get to work. They show up, every day, to work on their goals - whether they’re motivated or not.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “Well they’re so-and-so. They have all the resources in the world to make that happen. They can do it because of who they are. I’m not them.”



There’s only one thing that separates you from these greats. One simple thing.


The DECISION to be great.


These high-performers have simply decided that they are the TYPE of people that show up to work regardless of feeling motivated. They have decided that they aren’t the kind of person who needs to feel “motivated” before doing something.


And you can do the same thing. You simply have to decide that you are committed to your goals even when you’re unmotivated or uninspired. It’s easy to be committed and make progress when you’re feeling motivated. But how often does that motivation strike? Once a week? Once a month? How many days are you going to miss out on progress, on success, because you didn’t “feel” like working?


We can’t only get to work when we feel like it. We can’t only work when we are motivated or inspired. We won’t get anywhere if we’re always sitting around waiting for motivation to strike.


Now I didn’t say this is easy. But it is simple. Simple and easy are not the same thing. 


It is difficult to continue practicing this level of commitment and self-discipline day after day… But it’s a lot easier when you make the decision about what kind of person you want to be.


So what will it be?


50% Complete

Two Step

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