Take Advantage of How Your Brain Works for Maximum Results

goals habits study skills May 11, 2022

Have you ever spent a ton of time and energy studying all night for a quiz, only to totally blank out and forget everything in the testing room? Yeah, me too.

What most students don't realize is that the way they're studying or trying to learn material usually contradicts the way the brain is naturally wired. This is why you feel like you're forcing things and trying SO HARD, but don't have any results to show for it. So today I want to teach you how the brain actually works - so you can learn faster and easier than before.

How the Brain Thinks

And How to Use it to Your Advantage

The brain has two modes of thinking, active thinking and passive thinking. We can call active thinking focus mode and passive thinking diffuse mode.

Focus Mode (Active Thinking)

The brain relies on focus mode when actively trying to solve a problem or processing new information step-by-step. We use this type of thinking when we're solving a math problem, taking a test, or answering reading comprehension questions.

Diffuse Mode (Passive Thinking)

This type of thinking occurs when we're exploring a broader viewpoint, or learning something new. The brain is in diffuse mode when you get a great idea while driving, taking a shower, or talking something through with a friend. 

It's important to utilize both types of thinking, but the problem is you can't be in both types at once. 

An easy way to utilize both modes of thinking is by scheduling regular breaks in the middle of your studying. Taking time to disconnect and reconnect gives your brain the chance the assimilate new information.

How the Brain Stores Memories

And How to Use it to Your Advantage

The brain uses two types of memory function, working memory and long term memory. You can think of long term memory as a storage warehouse, and working memory as an erasable whiteboard. 

Long Term Memory (Storage Warehouse)

This type of memory contains information you've learned in the past and is located throughout different regions of the brain.

Working Memory (Erasable Whiteboard)

This type of memory is related to the current usage and relation of ideas, and is stored in the prefrontal cortex. Working memory is focused on what you're currently processing in that moment. The problem is, working memory can only hold four chunks of information at one time. 

In order to transition information into long term memory, the brain requires spaced repetition to make sure ideas aren't lost along the way.

Spaced repetition requires deliberately time spacing repeated study events in order to repeat recalling the idea. Neural processing takes time because it takes multiple series of repetition for synaptic connections to form.

What Does This Mean for Me?

Here are two things you should be doing right now to maximize your results and save time, based on the way the brain works and stores memories.

1. Split up your one giant study section into spaced repetitions in order to move information to long term memory faster

We've all heard that it's better to study a little bit each day instead of the night before the test, but it's hard to fit into our schedule. Have you considered though that you're actually wasting more time by just scheduling one study session? The return on your investment for studying 2 hours the night before the test is going to be SO much lower than your ROI for studying for 1 hour total split into three 20-minute chunks throughout the week. If you utilize spaced repetition, you won't need to study for nearly as long to learn the same amount of material.

2. Schedule breaks throughout your study periods to utilize both focus and diffuse thinking

For our brain to really solidify a concept, we want to give it time to passively process the information. That's why breaks are SO good for you! Not only do they prevent burnout, but they allow your brain to process new information in a different way. I love using the Pomodoro technique to build breaks into my work periods.

and now with all that out of the way....

I Want to Invite You to Join the Student Success Membership.

If you're not already familiar, inside SSM I'm teaching you everything they don't teach you in school - but should! 

This isn't just some boring online course. This program is full of quick and easy interactive video modules, live trainings with personalized coaching, workbooks and planning materials, and so much more.

This is going to sound dramatic... but The Student Success Membership will change your life.

I can say that because having this resource would have changed my life when I was in school. Not only am I sharing all my best tips and tricks to bring you success in the classroom and in the real world... but you're also getting the guidance and support from someone who has already done all of this (the hard way). I WISH I had someone in my life at that time to just tell me what to do, and how to do it. Instead, I struggled through every mini crisis alone, determined to figure it out all by myself because I couldn't admit to anyone that I needed help.

But now I know the best way to be successful is to learn from someone else's mistakes, and I'm giving you that opportunity here.

  • You don't have to do it all alone
  • You don't have to feel like you're just trying to make it through the week
  • You don't have to keep going through the motions.
  • You CAN get better results with less effort in less time.
  • You CAN feel more inspired and motivated to work on your goals than you do now.
  • You CAN set yourself up for success in the real world - so you can stand out when you take that next big step, like going to college or applying for your first internship.

Inside the Student Success Membership, you'll learn how to do exactly that. And for a limited time you can test drive the entire membership for 14 days for just $1. What are you waiting for?


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