Take Advantage of How Your Brain Works for Maximum Results

goals habits study skills May 11, 2022

Have you ever spent a ton of time and energy studying all night for a quiz, only to totally blank out and forget everything in the testing room? Yeah, me too.

What most students don't realize is that the way they're studying or trying to learn material usually contradicts the way the brain is naturally wired. This is why you feel like you're forcing things and trying SO HARD, but don't have any results to show for it. So today I want to teach you how the brain actually works - so you can learn faster and easier than before.

How the Brain Thinks

And How to Use it to Your Advantage

The brain has two modes of thinking, active thinking and passive thinking. We can call active thinking focus mode and passive thinking diffuse mode.

Focus Mode (Active Thinking)

The brain relies on focus mode when actively trying to solve a problem or processing new information step-by-step. We use this type of thinking when we're solving a math problem, taking a test, or answering reading...

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3 Study Mistakes You Don't Even Realize You're Making

study skills May 11, 2022

Inside the Student Success Membership, I'm teaching students all the stuff they don't teach you in school - but should. One of those skills is how to actually study.

I don't know about you, but when I was in high school no one taught me how to study. All my teachers said "just read over your notes and you'll be fine!" I was not fine.

So today I want to share with you the three most common study mistakes I see students make without even realizing it! 

You're studying in chronological order, not priority order

This is something I used to struggle with! I always reviewed class material in the order that I learned it instead of starting with the content that was the biggest focus or the area I needed the most help with. When you review in priority order, you save time and energy because you're starting with the most important stuff. The most important stuff includes two things: the stuff that's worth the most amount of points on your test, project, or homework, AND the stuff that...

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Stop Assuming More Time Means More Results

habits mindset study skills Jun 04, 2020

If you’re a student at any level, you know that investing absolutely zero effort is a surefire way to performing poorly in your classes. Skipping classes, ignoring assignments, never reading and avoiding studying means not passing.

To some extent, the energy you invest determines the results you get. So at some point, we accept that doing nothing gets you nothing. 

Over time, we start to believe that the inverse is true: Doing EVERYTHING will get you the results you want. 

But what if “more is more” is really more of a fallacy than a study strategy? 

Now, I understand that doing more can feel powerful, inspiring, and productive. But it can also be exhausting and undermine your confidence. When you are legitimately unable to dedicate a million hours to something (because there’s only so many hours in the day), you’ll inevitably feel unprepared or not good enough.

This “more is more” obsession runs rampant in all areas of our...

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